Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Need some motivation

I wish someone would just come and drag me off of my couch at night and get me moving. I work long hours this time a year (55 hours a week) and when I get home I'm ready to do nothing. The days I go work out with a friend I do that immediately after work, so that works out. But on the days when I am rushing home to see my husband for the 30 minutes I see him a night when we are both working, I have a hard time going back to the gym or turning on the Wii Fit. Last night I did absolutely nothing. I ate supper and picked up the kitchen with plans to watch Lost and then turn on Wii fit afterwards. What did I do? I started messing with the computer. I should have all of the motivation in the world, with the gut I have going on. But as much as I want to lose weight, it’s never enough.

At least I am eating well this week. I am not sucking at both aspects of my weight loss journey. My next weigh in is Saturday. My goal before then is to exercise daily. I am going to do Wii fit for 30 minutes tonight. (Biggest loser game) I am going to the gym tomorrow with my gym buddy (45 minutes of cardio) and 30 minutes of the biggest loser Wii game on Friday night. I will also be 100% on my diet plan until then. I want to see a big loss this week on the scale. I've fallen to second place in the % of weight loss for our competition, and I'm behind a girl that started at 160 pounds. That is ridiculous. I CAN DO THIS!


  1. Hey There!
    Thanks for joining my blog! I always appreciate all of the comments! So that you know, YOU CAN DO THIS! I will see to much as I can :) Hang in there and make sure to workout in a way that deserves results!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! I need it!! I didn't do the wii fit like I wanted last night, but will be in the gym with bells on tonight!! HA!
