Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The future

I went to the gym again last night. This was a huge accomplishment for me, because my gym partner was sick and backed out on me. Any other time I've been attempting the "workout thing," I would have used this as a great opportunity to go home and curl up with my puppies on the couch to watch tv. But I didn't do that. I made my husband bring me my gym bag that I had forgotten and headed to the gym after work. I might have only done a 30 minute cardio workout, but that was 30 minutes that I wasn't sedentary!

I am actually starting to feel good. I attempted a little bit of jogging last night. I am attempting to get going on the Couch to 5K program, slowly but surely. I ran 3 intervals of 60 seconds last night. I quit the intervals when my shins were absolutely killing me, but I kept power walking. I expected to wake up extremely sore, but I feel great today.

I'm so ready to do this. I'm ready to be the new me. The thin me. The former fat girl. It's a foreign, but completely inspiring and exciting thought. I really can't "picture" myself at my goal weight, but I can picture myself as a healthy, happy woman. My husband and I are dying to have kids, and my weight I have no doubt is directly affecting my fertility. Is it possible that if I get this weight off I will get pregnant? Without fertility treatments? That is a question I intend to answer. And soon! We aren't getting any younger.

Wow. I didn't intend for this post to be this deep. I'm just so inspired today for some reason. Here's to tomorrow. :)


  1. Hey...thought that you should know that I couldn't read your blog entry because the background was too dark :)

  2. Thanks. I'm trying to figure out how to "pretty it up". Not working out too well! HA
